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Arithmetic Operators

arithmetic operator




print (‘a+b=‘,a+b)#12

print (‘a-b=‘,a-b)#2


print(‘a/b=‘,a/b)#5.0 ---- represents answer in float



Python Arithmetic Operator
Python Arithmetic Operator


  • Division operator always generates floating point value irrespective of whether arguments are int  or float.

Python Arithmetic Operator
  • Floor division represents answer in int (if both argument are int) and float (if both argument are float).

Python Arithmetic Operator
  • + (addition) operator is applicable for str type also which is called string concatenation. For string concatenation both argument must be string only.

For example: print("know"+"cubs")

Python Arithmetic Operator

If we try to execute: print("know"+3)

Python Arithmetic Operator

String Multiplication  operator:

* (multiplication) operator acts as string multiplication operator or string repetition operator. For this, one argument should be string and other should be int.

For example

Python Arithmetic Operator

Relational Operators

Relational operator

Note: We can apply relational operator with number, string and boolean types.

Example 1:

a=20 , b=10

print (‘a>b:‘,a>b)#True




Example 2:

a=’salman’  ,b=’amir’

print (‘a>b:‘,a>b)#True




We can apply relational operator for string also. Comparison  is based on alphabetical order or Unicode value.

Example 3:

a=True   b=False

print (‘a>b:‘,a>b)#True




We can apply relational operator for bool type also. Internally True treated as 1 and False treated as 0.


Chaining of Relational operator:

If every comparison is True result is True.

For example

10<20<30<40<50  #True

10<20 True

20<30 True

30<40 True

40<50  True

Hence result is True.

If at least one condition is False then result is False.

For example

10<20<30<40<50>60 #False

10<20 True

20<30 True

30<40 True

40<50  True     

50>60 False

Hence result is False.


Equality operators (== and  !=):

  • It compares only content not address.

  • If content is same then True, otherwise False.


10==20 #False

10!=20 #True

10==True #False

‘mujtaba’==’mujtaba’ #True

10==’mujtaba’ #False

Chaining of ==

If every comparison is True result is True.

For Example

10==20==30==40==50 #False





Hence result is False.

10==5+5==3+7==2*5 #True




Hence result is True.


Some Important Examples:

  1. ‘a’==97 #False (incompatible Types)

  2. (10+2j)==(10+2j) #True

  3. (10+2j)==’durga’ #False (incompatible Types)

  4. 10==10.0 #True

  5. 10==10.1 #False (int value is changed to float then comparison takes place)

  6. 10==’10’ #False(incompatible Types)

  7. 1==True #True (Internally True is treated as 1)

  8. 10.10==10.1 #True

Note: Equality operator never gives an error, it checks content only. On comparison of incompatible types, result will be 'False'.

Logical Operators (and, or, not)

  • and ==> result will be True if both arguments  are True.

  • or ==> result will be True if at least one argument is True.

  • not ==> result will be True if argument is False and False if argument is True.


For boolean types: result is always boolean.


True and True # True

True and False #False

True or False #True

True or True #True

not True #False

not False #True

Logical operators
Python Logical Operator

For non-boolean types: There are some rules for non-boolean types.

  • 0 means False.

  • non-zero means True.

  • empty string means False.

x and y

If x evaluates to False then result is x otherwise  y.


0 and 20 #0

Here x=0 means False, hence result is x i.e 0.


10 and 20 #20

Here x=10 means True hence result is y i.e 20.

Python Logical Operator

x or y       

If x evaluates to True then result is x otherwise y.

10 or 20 ==>10

Here x=10 means True hence result is x i.e 10.

0 or 20 ==>20 

Here x=0 means False hence result is y i.e 20.

0 or 0==>0

Here x=0 means False hence result is y i.e 0.

0 or True ==>True

Here x=0 means False hence result is x i.e 0.

10 or 10/0 ==> 10

0 or 10/0 ==>divide by 0 error

Python Logical Operator

not x

If x evaluates to True then result is False and if x evaluates to False then result is True.

not 10 ==>False

not ‘’” ==>True

not 0 ==> True

Python Logical Operator

Bitwise Operators (&,|,^,~,<<,>>)

  • Applicable only for int and  bool type, if we try for other types we will get error.

  • Comparison takes place bit by bit.


4&5 #valid

True &True #valid

10.5 & 2.6 #invalid (unsupported operand type for &)

Bitwise operator
Python Bitwise Operator

& : if both bits are 1 then only 1 otherwise 0



4&5 ==>100&101 ==>100 ==>4  

Python Bitwise Operator

| : if at least one bit is 1 then 1 otherwise 0


4|5 ==>100|101 ==>101==> 5

Python Bitwise Operator
Python Bitwise Operator

^ (xor ) : if both bits are different then 1 otherwise 0


4^5 ==>100^101 ==>001 ==>1

Python Bitwise Operator
Python Bitwise Operator

~ : bitwise complement operator



Python Bitwise Operator

If you think answer is 3 then you are  wrong.

Python Bitwise Operator

Correct answer is -5 but how we get it?

Python Bitwise Operator



Python Bitwise Operator

<< : bitwise left shift (right hand side vacant cells fill with 0s)

Ex :  10<<2==> 40

Python Bitwise Operator
Python Bitwise Operator

>> : bitwise right shift (left hand side vacant cells fill with sign bit)



Python Bitwise Operator
Python Bitwise Operator

Assignment Operators (=)

Assignment operators are used to assign values.

For example: x=10

A int value of 10 is assigned to x.

Note: Increment (++) and decrement (–-) operator are not available in python, if you use it will give error.

Assignment operator
Python Assignment Operator

Compound assignment



Ternary Operator: (?:)

It is also known as conditional operator.

Syntax of ternary operator in other languages:


x=first value if condition, else second Value

Syntax of ternary operator in Python:

x=first value if condition else second value.



x=30 if a>b else 40

print(x) ==>40

Read two numbers from keyboard and print min value

Python Assignment Operator
Python Assignment Operator

Read three numbers from keyboard and print max value

Python Assignment Operator
Python Assignment Operator

Special Operators

  1. Identity operators (is ,is not)

  2. Membership operators (in ,not in)

Identity operators

Is and is not compares the address of objects. If the objects are same it returns True, otherwise False.

Example 1:



Print (a is b) ==>True

Example 2:

List1= [10, 20, 30]

List2= [10, 20, 30]

Print (List1 is List2) ==>False

Print (List1 == List 2) ==>True

Content of  List1 and List2 is same but they are pointing to different objects. Hence is returns False (reference comparison)  and == returns True (content comparison).

Specil operator
Python Special Operator

Membership operators:

This operator is used to check membership of an element.

Example 1:

List1= [10, 20, 30]

Print (10 in list1) #True

Print (70 not in list1) #True


Example 2:

s=”Hello Learning python is very very easy!!!”

Print (‘Hello’ in s) #True

Print(‘L’ in s) #True

Operator Precedence in Python

Operator precedence means in which order operators will be evaluated. Following is a general order for operator evaluation:

  • () highest priority goes to parenthesis in python.

  • ** exponential operator  or power operator

  • ~ unary operator

  • /,%,//

  • +,-

  • <<,>>

  • &

  • ^

  • |

  • >,>=,<.<=,==,!=

  • =,+=,-+,*=

  • is , is not

  • in , not in

  • not

  • and

  • or







Print((a+b)*c/d) #100.0

Print((a+b)*(c/d)) #100.0

Print(a+(b*c)/d) #70.0

Operator precedence
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