AKTU has announced dates and schedule of UPSEE 2020.
Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) is conducted by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), UP for admission to degree level engineering institutions and other professional colleges of the state. Admission to first year of B. Tech/B. Pharm/B. Arch/ B. Des/ BHMCT/B. Voc/BFAD/BFA/MBA/MCA/ Integrated MCA/Integrated M. Tech and lateral entry to second year of B.Tech./B.Pharm. courses offered at the Institutions affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow including other participating universities situated in territory of Uttar Pradesh for the session 2020-2021 will be through UPSEE 2020.
AKTU has announced date and schedule of 2020 examination.
Date and schedule for UPSEE 2020
Date: 20.09.2020
Paper 1 12:00 - 03:00 PM
Paper 2 12:00 - 03:00 PM
Paper 3 03:45 - 06:15 PM
Paper 4 09:00 - 11:00 AM
Paper 5 09:00 - 11:00 AM
Paper 6 03:45 - 05:45 PM
Paper 7 09:00 - 11:00 AM
Paper 8 09:00 - 11:00 AM
Click here to download admit cards.
Exam Analysis
*Candidates may opt for any one paper.
B. Tech. (Bio Technology) Paper 1 or Paper 2
B. Pharm. Paper 1 or Paper 2
B Des. Paper 1 or Paper 2 or Paper 3 or Paper 4
Question type: Objective Multiple-Choice Questions (except part B of paper-3 i.e. Drawing Aptitude test)
Mode of Examination: Offline OMR Based
Marking: Every objective multiple type question would carry four/ five marks (B. Arch) marks for each correct answer. More than one answers indicated against the question will be deemed as incorrect answer and no marks are awarded for the incorrect answer. There will be no negative marking.
Language: Hindi & English for all undergraduate admission papers