SAC recruitment 2020 - last date of application extended and examination postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.
SAC has extended last date for submission of online application for recruitment to the post of Scientist/ Engineer, Technical Assistant, Technician. Written test for Techincal Assistant and technician planned on 07.06.2020 has also been postponed and revised schedule for the same is yet to be notified.
Click Here to Apply.
Space Application Center (SAC) at Ahmedabad, Gujarat is a major center of ISRO and a premier research and development institute of the country. The center offers career opportunities in diverse fields of electronics and communications, navigation technologies, remote sensing, microwave, software engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and other administrative posts. SAC provides an attractive blend of state-of-art facilities and a free and open work culture for carrying out challenging research and development.
SAC has notified 55 vacancies for the post of Scientist/Engineer, Technical Assistant and Technician in various disciplines as per details given below:
Scientist/Engineer 'SD'

Pay Level: Level 11 (₹ 67,700–₹ 2,08,700)
Age Limit: No upper age-limit is prescribed for the post.
Selection Process: Personal Interview.
For PhD. holders: The candidates who are expecting to be awarded/conferred the degree of PhD. on/before 31.08.2020 may also apply. However, their selection shall be subject to declaration of final result by university on/before 31.08.2020.
For candidates having M.E./M.Tech. and minimum 2 years of professional experience: Cut–off date for calculating experience shall be 31.08.2020.
Scientist/Engineer 'SC'

Pay Level: Level 10 (₹ 56,100–₹ 1,77,500)
Age Limit: 18 – 35 years as on 03.04.2020
Selection Process: Personal Interview.
Candidates pursuing final semester/year, whose final result is expected to be declared on/before 31.08.2020 may also apply. However, their selection shall be subject to declaration of final result by university on/before 31.08.2020.
Technical Assistant

Pay Level: Level 07 (₹ 44,900–₹ 1,42,400)
Age Limit: 18 – 35 years as on 03.04.2020
Selection Process: Two Level recruitment process consisting of Written Test and Skill Test. The Written Test will be conducted only for the Screened-in candidates in Ahmedabad. The skill test will be purely on ‘go-no-go’ basis and marks obtained in the skill test will not be considered for selection. The skill test will be evaluated on a 100-point scale with minimum 60% for qualification. From amongst candidates who qualify in the skill test with minimum 60% marks, empanelment will be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test.
03.04.2020 (LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF ONLINE APPLICATIONS) will be the cut-off date for acquiring of qualification.
Technician 'B'

Pay Level: Level 03 (₹ 21,700–₹ 69,100)
Age Limit: 18 – 35 years as on 03.04.2020
Selection Process: Two Level recruitment process consisting of Written Test and Skill Test. The Written Test will be conducted only for the Screened-in candidates in Ahmedabad. The skill test will be purely on ‘go-no-go’ basis and marks obtained in the skill test will not be considered for selection. The skill test will be evaluated on a 100-point scale with minimum 60% for qualification. From amongst candidates who qualify in the skill test with minimum 60% marks, empanelment will be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test.
03.04.2020 (LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF ONLINE APPLICATIONS) will be the cut-off date for acquiring of qualification.
EWS – Economically Weaker Sections; OBC – Other Backward Classes; SC – Scheduled Caste; ST – Scheduled Tribe; UR – Unreserved.