Syllabus for mechanical engineering has been revised and option of a secondary paper has been introduced.
In accordance with the current technological advances, GATE 2021 syllabus of mechanical engineering has been revised. New topics of importance have been added and 2-3 topics like collision, manometry and gauge design have been removed. Following is a detailed analysis of subject wise addition and deletion of topics.
Engineering Mechanics
Newly Added: Friction and its applications including rolling friction, belt-pulley, brakes, clutches, screw jack, wedge, vehicles, etc; Lagrange’s equation
Deleted: Collisions
Mechanics of Materials
Newly Added: Concept of shear center
Fluid Mechanics
Newly Added: Basics of compressible fluid flow
Deleted: Manometry
Newly Added: Steam and gas turbines
Machining and Machine Tool Operation
Newly Added: Abrasive machining processes; NC/CNC machines and CNC programming
Metrology and Inspection
Newly Added: Concepts of coordinate measuring machine (CMM)
Deleted: Gauge Design
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Newly Added: Additive manufacturing
Production Planning and Control
Newly Added: Lean manufacturing
Further an option of a secondary paper has been introduced in GATE 2021. Now a candidate may appear in two papers (from the available combinations), if he/she wishes to do so. For Mechanical Engineering students, Engineering Sciences (XE) is the available option as secondary paper.
XE paper comprises of following sections:
General Aptitude – 15 Marks
Engineering Mathematics (Section A) – This section is compulsory and carries 15 Marks.
2 Optional Sections (Section B-H) – Candidates have to answer questions from any two sections. Each section will be carrying 35 Marks. Available options are: Section B Fluid Mechanics, Section C Materials Science, Section D Solid Mechanics, Section E Thermodynamics, Section F Polymer Science and Engineering, Section G Food Technology, Section H Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Out of the optional sections of XE paper (Section B-H), Fluid Mechanics, Material Science, Solid Mechanics and Thermodynamics are part of Mechanical Engineering syllabus also and candidates may answer questions from these topics without special preparation for the same.