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Python: Working with tuple

  • tuple

  • How to create tuple

  • How to access elements of tuple

  • Mathematical operation

  • Important functions of tuple

  • tuple packing and tuple unpacking

  • tuple comprehension

  • Differences between list and tuple



tuple is similar to list except that it is immutable. once you create tuple object you can not perform any modification in the existing object.


How to create tuple:

Empty tuple: t=()

Empty tuple: t=()

tuple with single value: t=(10,)

tuple with single value: t=(10,)

Single valued tuple should end with comma. if comma is not put, it will be treated as int value .

Single valued tuple should end with comma. if comma is not put, it will be treated as int value .

tuple with multiple value: t=(10,20,30)

tuple with multiple value: t=(10,20,30)

Use of brackets () is optional here, as evident from below example:

Use of brackets () is optional here, as evident from below example:

tuple with a sequence: t = tuple(sequence)

tuple with a sequence: t = tuple(sequence)

How to access elements of tuple:

1. by using Index:

using Index: Python

2. by using slice operator:

slice operator: Python

Mathematical operation:

+ is used to concatenate two tuples

Mathematical operator: Python

* repetition operator

Mathematical operator: Python

Important functions of tuple:

1. len():  it is used to find number of characters in a tuple.



Important functions of tuple: Python

2. count(): used to count number of times a character is present in a tuple.



Important functions of tuple: Python

3. index(): used to find index of element in a tuple. if the specified  element is not available we will get value error.



Important functions of tuple: Python

4. sorted(): to sort elements based on natural sorting order. sort() is not available in tuple because tuple is immutable.



Important functions of tuple: Pythong

5. min() and max(): It is only for homogeneous object not for heterogeneous.



Important functions of tuple: Python

6. cmp()

cmp is  available in python 2 only not in python 3


  • If t1 is equal to t2, then it returns 0

  • If t1 is smaller than t2, then it returns -1

  • If t1 is greater than t2, then it return +1


tuple packing and tuple unpacking:

Packing: grouping into single.

tuple packing and tuple unpacking: Python
tuple packing and tuple unpacking: Python


tuple packing and tuple unpacking: Python
tuple packing and tuple unpacking: Python

tuple comprehension:

Tuple comprehension is supported but result is not tuple but  some generator object.

tuple comprehension: Python
tuple comprehension: Python

#Write a program to take a tuple of numbers from the keyboard and print sum, avg.

#Write a program to take a tuple of numbers from the keyboard and print sum, avg.

Differences between list and tuple:

Differences between list and tuple:
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