A series of articles on final year Academic Projects/Internship options at various ISRO Centers for UG and PG students . Part-1 in the series is regarding Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, Trivandrum.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC) is the lead center pioneering in rocket research and launch vehicle projects of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The Center also pursues research and development activities in associated areas like propellants, solid propulsion technology, aerodynamics, aero-structural and aero-thermal fields, avionics, polymers and composites, guidance, control & simulation, computer and information, mechanical engineering, aerospace mechanisms, vehicle integration and testing, space ordnance, chemicals and materials.
VSSC offers opportunity for project work (Main Project) to limited numbers of final year students undergoing the following courses.
1. M.Tech./M.E. and M.Sc. & M.Phil. (Physics/Chemistry):
Maximum duration allowed for the project is 6 months for M.Sc & M.Phil. and 12 months for M.Tech./M.E.
Minimum 65% marks in B.Sc. for M.Sc. project work and Minimum 65% marks in M.Sc. for M.Phil. project work.
Students intending to do the project work, starting any time in January to June should submit the application on or before 15th November of the previous year while students intending to do the project work, starting any time in July to December should submit application on or before 15th May of the same year.
2. B. Tech:
Students studying in colleges within Kerala alone will be considered.
The duration of the project work will be for a block period consisting of 6 weeks.
VSSC offers 8 block periods annually. The student can choose one out of the eight block periods: 1st Jan - 15th Feb, 16th Feb - 31st Mar, 1st Apr - 15th May, 16th May - 30th Jun, 1st Jul - 15th Aug, 16th Aug - 30th Sep, 1st Oct - 15th Nov, 16th Nov - 31st Dec.
Applicants (a group of maximum 4) must be from the same branch, semester and college.
Each general category applicant should have a minimum of 75% marks for the first five semesters.
For the selected block period, application in prescribed format should be given two months in advance.
Dual degree, Integrated PG, Internship, Industrial Training, Summer Training etc are not entertained. Priority will be given to the wards of ISRO employees.
The applications should be forwarded to:
Head, HRDD, VSSC, ISRO P.O, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022
Application Formats: